Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I think I can safely say I've earned the "MacGuyver Level II" badge from Cast On, having used my knitting needles as hair accessories, drain uncloggers and skewers for roasting marshmellows.

Monkey socks are finished! All that's left is to block them and give them to their intended recipient. Then it's onto my mom's Christmas socks. Since she hates anything wool, I've been scouring my yarn shops for a suitable replacement. I found lots of alternatives, but none in colors I thought she would like, until I hit upon a cotton number from Karabella.

I went home with a couple of rosy pink skeins (her favorite color), feeling oh so proud of myself. Which is why I could have killed her when she oohed and aahed over the Monkey socks, gushing about how nice they felt. Hates everything wool, my ass.

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